Using data from students in grades 3-8 in school years 2018-19 (n = 1,871) and 2021-22 (n = 1,740), we examined the strength of fall math screening using Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) for predicting end-of-year state math assessment performance levels and whether this prediction varied across English language proficiency (ELP). In addition, we examined whether differential predictive strength varied across screening using English or Spanish MAP math (2018-19 only). MAP math was similarly predictive across the ELP continuum (odds ratios between 6-15; log-odds between 1.5-2.5). However, in 2018-19, there is more variation in screening prediction across ELP for students assessed using the English MAP math compared to Spanish MAP math. In 2021-22, there is little evidence of differential screening prediction across ELP. Our findings suggest that MAP math is moderately predictive across ELP and school years. We discuss limitations, future directions, and implications for research and practice.