Garret Hall

Garret Hall

Assistant Professor

Florida State University


I’m an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems at Florida State University. I teach courses and advise students in the MS/EdS School Psychology and Combined Counseling and School Psychology PhD programs. My research focuses on development and assessment of academic and behavioral skills as well as multi-tiered prevention and intervention in these areas. I’m particularly interested in math development and its relations to other skill areas (e.g., academic language, reading, executive functions). I also research how school context and other ecological factors relate to developmental patterns and the implementation of prevention and intervention programs. I’m a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (#62567).

My work has a strong focus on quantitative methods and how those methods can be used to answer applied questions relevant to school psychology and related fields. I’m especially interested in Bayesian inference methods for psychometrics, longitudinal modeling, and causal inference.

I regularly work with school districts and other community organizations to answer applied research questions (e.g., ). I’m excited for new opportunities to collaborate. If you are a PK-12 education-related organization and have questions about your data and programs related to my areas of work, please reach out!

If you are a researcher/research team/instructor with interests in my areas of work, I am also available to give guest lectures in your class or talks to your lab/team meeting. Example guest lectures/research talks I have given include universal screening practices in schools, longitudinal research, and paper-specific talks. I can also provide methodological tutorials (with as much Bayesian flavor as you like) on longitudinal quantitative methods, diagnostic accuracy, as well as experimental and quasi/non-experimental design and causal inference.

Download my CV.

  • Academic and behavioral skill development
  • Context and ecological factors in development
  • Prevention science
  • Implementation science
  • Assessment and psychometrics
  • Quantitative methods and research design (Bayesian, longitudinal, single-subject)
  • PhD in Educational Psychology (School Psychology Program), 2020

    University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • MS in Educational Psychology (School Psychology Program), 2017

    University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • BA in English and Psychology, 2015

    Northern Illinois University

Skills and Research Areas

Multi-tiered systems of support and response-to-intervention
School context and ecological systems
Implementation science
Bayesian Statistics
Program Evaluation
Single-case design
Longitudinal methods
Causal inference
R Statistical Programming
Stata statistical software
Mplus statistical software


Assistant Professor
Florida State University
Aug 2020 – Present Florida
Assistant Professor in the MS/EdS School Psychology and Combined Counseling and School Psychology Combined PhD Programs in the Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems at Florida State University.
PhD Student
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sep 2015 – Aug 2020 Wisconsin
PhD student in the School Psychology PhD program at University of Wisconsin-Madison (APA Accredited/NASP Approved; APA-Accredited Internship).


AERA-NSF Research Grant
Who implements Response to Intervention (RTI) in Math, and Does RTI Benefit Math Achievement? K-fold Cross-Validation and Causal Inference Under a Multilevel Quasi-Experimental Study (with Dr. Qian Zhang, Co-PI)
Early Career Research Award
Making Sense of Uncertainty in Academic Screening Prediction Accuracy for Ordinal Outcomes using Bayesian Modeling
First Year Assistant Professor Award
Spanish Versus English Reading and Mathematics Achievement: Variation Across English Language Proficiency Levels
Nationally Certified School Psychologist
Certificate #62567
Interdisciplinary Training Program Fellow
Institute of Education Sciences Predoctoral Fellowship

Teaching Areas

Cognitive and Psychoeducational Assessment
Introduction to School Psychology
School-based Practicum
Affective, Cognitive, and Behavioral Development
School-based Consultation


Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.
(2024). Examining an integrated factor structure of schoolwide MTSS implementation measures. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions.


(2024). Family Involvement in Elementary Reading Intervention: Compensatory Relations to Dosage and Tutor-Level Heterogeneity. Remedial and Special Education.


(2024). Comparing buffer versus transmission models of bullying victimization, math self-efficacy, and math achievement: A multilevel approach. EdArXiv preprint.


(2023). Explaining procedures and interleaving practice in fraction arithmetic. Learning and Instruction.


(2023). Demystifying longitudinal data analyses using structural equation models in school psychology. Journal of School Psychology, 98, 181-205.


(2023). Decrypting the codes: Investigating a reading intervention’s impact on math problem solving and calculation fluency. PsyArXiv preprint.

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(2022). Capturing multiple sources of change on triannual math screeners in elementary school. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 37(4), 262-279..


(2022). Early experiences and school readiness: A within and between exploration of the Opportunity Propensity Model. Cognitive Development. 64, 101226..


(2022). Examining Bridges in Mathematics and differential effects among English language learners. School Psychology Review, 51(4), 392-405.


(2022). Predicting interim assessment outcomes among elementary-aged English learners using mathematics computation, oral reading fluency, and English proficiency levels. School Psychology Review, 51(4), 498-516.


(2022). Modeling associations of English proficiency and working memory with mathematics growth. School Psychology, 37(4), 339-354.


(2022). Examining links between parental monitoring and school engagement among middle school students with and without elevated behavior ratings. School Psychology, 37(3), 259-272.


(2022). Deconstructing mathematics computation fluency: Does handwriting matter?. Contemporary School Psychology. Advance online publication.


(2021). Initiating family–school collaboration in school mental health through a proactive and positive strengths and needs assessment. School Mental Health, 13(4), 667-679.


(2021). The impacts of a brief middle-school self-affirmation intervention help propel African American and Latino students through high school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113(3), 605-620.


(2021). Validation study of the family involvement questionnaire–elementary version With families in Belize. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 46(3), 238-243.


(2017). Sometimes less is more: the role of subjective task experience in self-generated value interventions. Social Psychology of Education, 21, 371-381.



  • 1114 W Call St., Stone Building 3204H, Tallahassee, FL 32306